BETA Notice
We’re currently in BETA. During this time some of our features and functionalities may not preform entirely correct, please report any issues you have with our services.
Play EAFC.
Earn Money.
How it works?
Set the stage
Choose a cup you want to participate in and track your match to play FIFA 23 for money.
Before you start playing, start streaming straight from your console.
Takes 2 clicks. NO additional account - NO additional equipment.
Play & get paid
Start the match on your console, kick ass, climb the cups leaderboard and collect some money.
Our Game Modes
We are your FIFA go-to’s!
Head-to-Head, Division Rivals or FUT Champions.
We cover it all. Play FIFA 23. Earn Money.
Play FUT Champions, get ranked and get your share of the Prizepool.
Play Division Rivals, get ranked and get your share of the Prizepool.
Get matched on the app and play Head-to-Head online friendlies against others for money.
you have to be +18
to play with RawSkill
you can
deposit with:

Why RawSkill?

24/7 challenges. Play instantly for cash prizes,Don’t waste your time waiting for an opponent.

We focus on one game at a time. But when we do, we perfectionize it.

We track your score. Absolutly secure and zero tolerance for cheaters.

Our support team is available through app chat, before, during or after the match.
Extra Layers to your Gaming!
Our Patent-Pending Software allows for an unique App experience that you won’t find elsewhere.